Capacitive hose sensors / leackage alarm
Capacitive hose sensors / leackage alarms are a special type of capacitive ring sensors and are applied in tight spaces where the tube cannot pass through a ring.
In this case, the hose sensor can be put around the sensor to detect reliable the liquid.
Typical applications for capacitive hose sensors / leackage alarms are
- Monitoring of cooling circuits
- Overfill protection and dry running protection
- Level sensing
- Medical applications

Sensors for temperature and pressure
Those sensors are to measure and to indicate pressure respectively temperature.
The pressure sensors for non-corrosive gases are available for a measuring range of –1...+10 bar (–14.5...+145 psi), each unit in a compact housing with dual display and adjustable response times.
The temperature sensors are designed for liquid and pasty media and a measuring range –40…+120 °C (–40…248 °F). Digitally switching or analog measuring variants of each type are available. The hysteresis and the temperature range are configurable. The indication can be changed between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Machine illuminations
The machine illuminations of the MBL series are characterized by their robust construction and their outstanding technical characteristics.
The exceptionally high number of built in LEDs produce a homogeneous luminous efficacy at 156 lumens/watt, but at the same time prevent multiple shadows.
The PWM input allows dimming and switching of the lamp.
Impact sensors
Impact sensors detect by direct mechanical contact up to 100 metallic or non-metallic pieces per second - even under extreme demands.
Sensitivity and pulse stretching can be adjusted separately and as a result of this leads to a high reliable function.
Impact sensors will be used, for example, for part counting or hail detection.