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Capacitive sensors

kapazitive sensoren sensortechnik dietz01

Capacitive proximity sensors work contactless and so they are proximity switches working without wear and tear to detect metallic and non-metallic matters, solid or liquid.

The sensing face of capacitive sensors is formed by two metallic electrodes. The approximation of an object to the sensing face triggers the switch. An object in the electric field increases the coupling capacity and the oscillator begins to swing. A signal processor converts the amplitude into a signal.

Capacitive sensors are triggered by conductive and non-conductive matters. Metallic matters result large sensing distances because of their high conductance. The sensing distance with organic matter, i.e. cereals or wood, depends much on the water content of the matter.

 A detailed description of the function is here.

Capacitive sensors from Dietz are available in numerous designs and materials with sensing distances up to 120 mm. The outputs may be digital or analog, using DC- or AC-Voltage.

They hereby cover a wide range of applications, e.g. measuring distances or level control.

Find more versions in our product finder

kapazitive sensoren produktkatalog sensortechnik dietz01

Product catalog

Product assortment

  • Cylindric from 2 mm Ø
  • Disc types and miniature types
  • Switching outputs and analog outputs
  • Direct and universal current
  • Versions for high and deep temperature
  • PTFE housing (food-safe)
  • Leakage detector, rod sensors

Application examples
(plant of application, please click on thumbnail)

Applications examples capacitive sensors from Dietz Sensortechnik dietz01

kapazitive sensoren anwesenheitskontrolle sensortechnik dietz01

Presence detection

kapazitive sensoren fuellstandskontrolle sensortechnik dietz01

Level sensing plastic granules

  • Wilhelmstraße 39 | 64646 Heppenheim | Germany
  • Tel. +49 6252 94299-0
  • Fax +49 6252 94299-8
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